Part 2 of a 3-part series challenging us as believers to go beyond sharing just our "faith" but also #HOPE as we tell OUR STORY.
We have this #HOPE as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure...
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the HOPE that you have.
1 Peter 3:15
What steps can I take to make sure others not only see my life of faith but ALSO see my HOPE? And how can I help them to find their own HOPE?

We simply must move from a place where WE decide what is best to a place where we trust our Father in Heaven for what is best and where we follow HIS leadership. We must let go of the world's best plans. We must let go of whatever "common sense" we may think we have. We must really, for real trust in His leadership. We must live it. Reading it, singing it, and wearing t-shirts about it are considerably different than LIVING it.
The first step in effectively sharing our own HOPE with others is LIVING OUT the following of HIS leadership. We must "set apart Christ as Lord" of OUR lives as a living example of what it means to be a Christ follower. Christ said we are the Salt. He did not say we could be or might be. He said we ARE the salt. It our choice as to just how salty we will be and it will be based on our level of surrender to Christ.
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Chances are very good the people in your own life who have had the greatest influence in your Christian walk and whose character and qualities have been the most contagious in your life, are people have a humble spirit, a vulnerability, a lack of pretense and who are sold out to Jesus. In other words, they have set apart Christ as Lord of their lives. Those who influence our Christian walk in a positive light, encouraging spiritual growth, challenging us to a deeper faith are never those who are dead in their faith, stagnant in their own walk, or stuck in their growth as a believer.When we set apart Christ as Lord of our lives - FOR REAL - we are more likely to love like He loves with a depth of real concern and without judgment. We are more likely to sympathize and empathize with kindness and generosity. We can become the positive influence in someone else's life.
Can I just ask you a question? If all we do is point out how the lost are falling short and focus on how BAD they and their SIN are, how are they going to find out about our HOPE?
Can I just tell ya something? We can absolutely go against the grain of society and still stand for something WITHOUT being a hater! We need to "set apart Christ as Lord." He hates the sin, not the sinner.
I believe setting apart Christ as Lord in our hearts is absolutely pivotal. We simply MUST get this as Christ followers. I believe it is the first step in sharing our HOPE! Christ must rule in our hearts. We cannot rule. Pleasure cannot rule. The world cannot rule. Even the religion of the church cannot rule. Your pastor cannot rule. Christ must rule. Jesus must be king, Lord, master.
Does it mean we are perfect. Absolutely not. Does it mean we give Him priority. Yes it does. And it means that even though sometimes we blow it, in our hearts, we know His way is the best. In our hearts, we know it is always best when He is in charge. I believe that is what attracts others to our HOPE! It is when they see Jesus in us. I hope you know that Jesus is attractive to people who are looking for HOPE.
If there is a contradiction between what I want and what He wants, I must yield to what He wants.
If I want to gossip about somebody on account of how they have hurt me....and I want to get them back... But He wants me to keep my big, fat mouth shut...
Then I need to keep my mouth shut on account of how He's Lord and I am NOT Lord.

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