Apr 5, 2016

We Have A Winner

This is the 3rd post in a 3-part series which dives into the deep end regarding the attitude of worship using inspiration from Luke 7:36-50 as the foundation for the series.


3-Part Series






Message 1:

Message 2:



The act of showing respect and love for a god; especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god.  The act of worshipping God or a god.

Also - excessive admiration for someone


In this series, we have defined worship using 2 verses as a guide for that definition.

As defined by Jesus:
 John 4:23-24

As defined by Paul:
Romans 12:1

We have also considered the "cost" of true intimate worship which is us as we die to ourselves and surrender to God's Spirit and leading as the Lord of our lives.

Now, it is time to take time to ponder the incredible, blessed and oh hallelujah, glorious prize which belongs to those who, for real, experience that sweet place of true intimate worship:  The presence of our almighty Creator, God Himself our lives. 
Can I just tell ya something?  Too many people are missing out on the prize of an intimacy with God because they are not willing to get out of the way!  God absolutely longs for a close, personal relationship with His children!

God absolutely wants us each to know the power of His Glory in new and refreshing ways which we have never known before.  In His ultimate ministry of restoration and blessing the nations, He absolutely WANTS to be manifested in our lives.  AND oh hallelujah, He wants to do that in such a way as to then use us to restore others as He works in and through us via the indwelling of His Holy Spirit!
Follow the link below to listen to the rest of this message:
Sermon Audio


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