Apr 5, 2016

What is the Cost?

This is the 2nd post in a 3-part series which dives into the deep end regarding the attitude of worship using inspiration from Luke 7:36-50 as the foundation for the series.


3-Part Series




Message 1:
Message 3:
The act of showing respect and love for a god; especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god.  The act of worshipping God or a god.
Also - excessive admiration for someone


You can say and do all kinds of things which may look like worship.  You can do those things we call worship in places where worship may sometimes happen.  But things, in fact, are not actually worship unless they are done in spirit and in truth.  And that is what God is looking for according to Jesus himself:

True worship flows naturally from a heart which has reverence and awe for who God is and which is humble, open and honest, and which has a deep love for God.  True worship flows naturally from a heart which is seeking:
Not the gifts but the Giver
Not to receive but to give
We see in chapter 19 of Exodus where the Israelites had THE opportunity at the foot of Mt. Sinai to become a nation of priests as was presented in God's plan for them.  They were given an opportunity to draw near to the Creator in an intimate worship.  They were given instructions to consecrate themselves and to prepare to be in the presence of God almighty.
But when this pivotal point in their history presented itself, they chose instead to tremble with fear and to stand at a distance.  They were called to be a Kingdom of Priests but counted the cost and decided they were not buying.  They chose instead to send Moses as their representative.
Can I just tell ya something?   The Israelites were satisfied to "worship" God at a distance.  They were afraid of a true and intimate worship of their Creator. 
What is the Cost?
It is us!  Ourselves.  God wants us!
Follow the link below to listen to the rest of this message:
Sermon Audio

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