God is good...all the time. I hope He is blessing your socks off this fine day in your surrender and service to Him!

TOP 5 LIST - Saturday, August 16, 2014
- George Sisneros @GeorgeSisneros
- This is a great missions blog entry about life on the field from the Sisneros family, living and serving in Guatemala.
- Ann Swindell - @AnnSwindell
- Ann Swindell, teaches writing at Wheaton College writes about life, marriage, and God's kindness at annswindell.com.
- Here, in an article published in Relevent Magazine, Swindell breaks down this word: "discipleship" and what Jesus meant by "make disciples of all nations".
- Top 40 Christian Songs Playlist
- This is a Top 40 video playlist of contemporary Christian worship music videos on YouTube.
- Hare Translation Journey
- An excellent and challenging missions post for parents from missionary Stacey Hare from her family's mission field of Cameroon, Africa.
- Serving as Bible translators for World Team, you can follow their journey on their blog: Hare Translation Journey
- Evident Ministries, Inc. - @evidentmin
- We're so excited about Project Blessing, this may have to stay on the list for a while! It's another shameless plug for what God is doing Evident Ministries. We've launched a new ministry project called: Project Blessing. Named in honor of Blessing Noel Kingery, it is our version of a Christmas Shoebox ministry for children in Acuña, Mexico who might otherwise not receive a single gift for Christmas. At the same time, they will hear about the greatest gift ever given in the Grace of Jesus Christ and the message of the Cross.
See ya in church!
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