Jul 21, 2020


Deeply distressed, each one began to say to him, “Surely not I, Lord?”  Matthew‬ ‭26:22‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Each of the disciples was “deeply distressed.” But Judas was “distressed” for a different reason. Judas knew he had been found out. Judas knew he was busted. 

The other disciples knew Jesus as THE Messiah and had a genuine and deep abiding love for and relationship with Jesus. Judas only knew Jesus as a teacher. Can I just tell ya something?  Judas was thorny soil and Jesus was much more than just a teacher. 

Can I just tell ya something?  Judas was thorny soil and Jesus was much more than just a teacher. 

Judas never surrendered himself in humility and full repentance. He simply hung out with the fellas and dodged any kind of real commitment. Judas maintained a guilty distance and avoided eye contact with Jesus. Judas never let down the walls he had built around himself long enough to come to the realization and genuine understanding, through vulnerability and humility, of his great need for a savior.

I have been Judas. I have known many others who have walked a similar path. Some are there now. It was a response to the gift of the invitation of Jesus, in the understanding of my great need for a savior, based on my own spiritual poverty, which caused me to surrender my life to Him. 

Oh yeah, He’s more than just a teacher!

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