Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person. — Colossians 4:6 CSB
Christians, when we talk, we ought to be using words which are seasoned with the salt of God's grace. What does that mean? It means there should be some evidence of the grace of God and the influence of God’s Holy Spirit from within us when we speak.
Others should know we are a child of God not only because we say so but because of how we say what we say including the look on our face when we say it. Can I just tell ya something? A deaf person from across the room should be able to pick us out of a crowd as being different and uniquely influenced by God’s grace.
A deaf person from across the room should be able to pick us out of a crowd as being different and uniquely influenced by God's Grace.
Jesus said we are both the light of the world and the salt of the earth. If we have to tell others this is the case because it is not obvious, then it is a red flag alert there are spiritual issues which need to be addressed.
Before we were rescued and restored, when we were still unsaved and separated from God, we said whatever we wanted, with no moral compass within us to guide our speech. But, as a new creation, it is a whole new plan. We have been born again by the grace of God. Our words should be seasoned with the salt of His grace so that we might add flavor to the lives of those who God places in our paths.

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