Feb 20, 2019


My wife and I have ten children together.  We married when we were 18 and had our first child one year later.  Our oldest, Samantha is 30 years old TEACHES 1st grade.  Our youngest, Nicky Blue Eyes, is IN the first grade!  They are spread out between 6 and 30.  

You might think we could quote the Farmers Insurance tag line, "we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two."  

I suppose that is a reasonable assessment.  However, to be fair, just when we think we have seen it all, something new comes along and blindsides us when we aren't looking!  We have seen some "success", whatever that means.  We have also had our share of parenting failures.  We are not now nor will we ever be ready to get cocky and overly confident about our parenting skills.  And, of course, we still do have five at home.

One issue which is easier to discuss and plan for than it is to actually pull off is the concept of allowing our children to suffer for the benefit of learning to become an adult.  Whether from their own bad choices or those of someone else, just like any other parent, we want so badly to rescue them from the pain.  Actually, we are naturally inclined to make every effort to prevent the pain of poor choices in the first place by making all the choices ourselves.

God has a better plan than that for our children.  He has a better plan than that for us now as adults.  God's plan is to perfect us through the trials of life.  

Can I just tell ya something?  Character-building life lessons are rarely learned during the sunshine and rainbows.  

Instead, those learning experiences which make the greatest lasting impact, come during the difficult times.  Surviving a trial or difficulty in life teaches us to persevere despite the pain.  Removing the trials and consequences of poor life choices from our children deprives them of the chance to grow, to build character, and to learn to trust in God.

The bottom line is that we ALL experience the best character-building, personal growth and maturity when we go through something.  It is a mistake to inhibit your child's growth opportunities by rescuing them from or taking over difficult situations.  Is that easier said than done?  Yes.  In fact, I submit that you cannot do it alone.  This is, in part, why God designed the family unit with two parents.  It also requires us to rely on Him and the supernatural power of His Holy Spirit within us.  

Prayer - 
Father, thank You for Jesus and for Your Holy Spirit.  Help me to focus less on my circumstances or the circumstances of our children and to focus more on You and Your glory.  Help me to trust in Your promises which are the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Amen.

We rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. 
-- Romans 5:3-4 (CSB)

#Missions #Evident #MásDeTi

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