Mar 24, 2016

With Reverence and Awe


This is the 1st post in a 3-part series which dives into the deep end regarding the attitude of worship using inspiration from Luke 7:36-50 as the foundation.




3-Part Series

Message 2:
Message 3:
The act of showing respect and love for a god; especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god.  The act of worshipping God or a god.
Also - excessive admiration for someone

As I have been studying, meditating praying about the subject of "worship" and combing through God's Word for direction, I have noticed something about how the church perceives worship.  When we are referring to worship, we are most often talking about something we "say" or a "place" we go.  And here is what I have feel like God has been telling me:

Worship is much more than that!
One simple issue and obvious problem is that one can sing, go to church, pray, tithe, or go the Lord's table feeling real warm and fuzzy about it and still NEVER enter into an actual place of true and intimate worship of the Creator! 

Can I just tell ya something?  Just keeping it all real and honest:  sometimes it is me.  I will own that.  And keeping with this honesty theme... sometimes it is you.
Follow the link below to listen to the rest of this message:
Sermon Audio

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