For example, they would likely caution me against drinking water from the tap in Mexico.
Our water in the U.S. is filtered, clean, and pure. In Mexico, what comes from the faucet is most definitely not. If you do drink water from the tap in Mexico, you may very well find yourself scooting around on the carpet in a day or so! At the very least, you will be sorry you did it. It is not good for you. It will hurt you.
Can I just tell ya something? The Bible tells us, in a sense, what kind of water we ought not drink. For example, the Bible warns us about telling lies...that old chestnut of wisdom and good advice. Lying will hurt us and others. It hurts our testimony as Christians. It is a reflection on Jesus and His church. We are warned about allowing anger to cause us to sin. Uncontrolled anger allows Satan into the picture. Unbridled anger will hurt us and others. It hurts our testimony as Christians. It is a reflection on Jesus and His church. In God's Biblical standard for living, we are commanded to not steal but instead to work for and earn our own income. We are called to obey God. Honoring God's commands is what it means to be obedient.
The bottom line is simple. As Christians, whatever we do, we are to do for God. As Christians, our perspective in all things ought to be entirely different than that of the world and of those who do not have a saving knowledge of Jesus. Why? If or when our perspective is no different than the world's, it will hurt us and others. It will hurt our testimony as Christians. It is a reflection on Jesus and His church.
Don't drink the water of this world. It will make you sick. It is not good for you.
In other words, you cannot live on both sides of the fence. It will hurt you and others. It is a poor example of what it means to live for Jesus. It will also begin to over time, harden your heart towards God which will tank your relationship with Him.
Prayer -
Father, please forgive me for when I look away from your Biblical standard for living and drink the water of this world. Your ways are the best ways. You always have Your very best in mind for me. Amen.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. -- Colossians 3:17 (CSB)
#Missions #Evident #MásDeTi
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