Jan 25, 2019


For many years, I had a standard initial response to the question:  "Hi, how are you?"  In that beginning chit-chat, catching up with someone I had not spoken with for a while, my first response most often had something to do with how incredibly busy I had been.  It was a simple conversation starter model which would then segue right into a whiny list of all the things which had been keeping me so busy.  

As is often the case in my life, I first became aware of this habit when I noticed this model being used by others.  I realized that some people were using that approach on me every time I ran into them.  We were essentially having the same conversation every few months.  We would both whine about our busyness as if in a competition, in a short and superficial interaction.  

It began to really sink in to me that we all have the same 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.  Also, we are only as busy as we choose to be.  At some point, I began to realize that perhaps the negative connotation in my mind was due to the fact that I myself was a habitual perpetrator of said conversation template!

This perspective sends some messages to others about our lives, especially as Christians.  For one thing, it says, "Me, me, me...check out me.  I'm so productive.  I'm so busy because I'm getting things done."  It is as if busyness is some kind of badge of honor. We use it, even if only subconsciously, to justify why we have not done things maybe we should have.  We say to ourselves "I'll get to that eventually" or "I'll make up for it later." We could use the opportunity to humbly not focus on ourselves but instead share what God has been doing in our life and revealing in our heart.  What a novel concept, right?

Can I just tell ya something?  God knows you are busy when He calls you to His service.  God knows you are busy when He orchestrates a divine appointment, a "chance encounter" with someone who needs encouragement or to hear about the love of Jesus.  When God places these opportunities in front of us, His timing is perfect.  He does know what He is doing.

What was your response to God's call on your life yesterday?  What is God calling you to do today and what will your response be?  One thing which is required in order to be who we were created to be is actually quite evident:  We need less focus on ourselves and more focus on God. #MásDeTi

Lord, I know that ultimately Your will, plans, purpose, & timing for me are they best.  I know that ultimately, my surrender and obedience to your call on my life will bring the greatest reward, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.  Forgive me disobedience and give me the courage to chase hard after You in all things.  Show me the next steps and give me the courage to take those step.  Amen.

15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you live ​— ​not as unwise people but as wise ​— ​ 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil.  -- Ephesians 5:15-16 CSB

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