Jan 29, 2019


To be fair, what the world often sees in us in our day to day is what appears to be a devoted Christian who is serving God.  However, they are often NOT seeing God.  Why would that be?  Are we sure to give God the glory?  Are we giving God the proper recognition for the motivation we have to serve Him?  Are we only attempting the things we know WE can accomplish?

Can I just tell ya something?  If all we are ever willing to do, in our service to God and His Kingdom, are those things which we can accomplish in our own strength, there is no God to see in us in the way we are living.  Listen Christian, Jesus didn't die on a cross for you so you could work very hard to build up a big portfolio of good works you can accomplish without His help.  Only God takes up the cross and dies for others.  We must regularly take an inventory of our lives and ask ourselves the question:  What am I doing for the world to see God at work in my life?

The call of God on our lives is something which is greater than smiling and behaving in public.  It is more than showing up to church.  It is more than raising your hands during worship.  It is more than wearing Jesus t-shirts.  Who does our Creator say we are?  He says we are His witnesses, the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and His ambassadors... and much more!

Jesus challenged us, as followers of Christ, to deny ourselves, to take up his cross, and to truly FOLLOW Him.  We are to reach out and take His nail-scarred hand and not ever let go.  Though that is often easier said than done in our natural human condition, one step which we must take is quite evident:  Each day we must choose more of God and less of ourselves.  #MásDeTi

Father, in my salvation I invited Jesus as my savior and for You to be my Lord and Master.  Forgive me for grabbing the wheel back.  Forgive me for even trying to sit in the front seat.  Help me Lord to get in the back seat and stay there.  Help me Lord to be sensitive the lead of Your Holy Spirit within me and the courage to follow where You lead.  Amen.

Calling the crowd along with his disciples, he said to them,“If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me and the gospel will save it."
-- Mark 8:34-35 CSB

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