Jan 17, 2019


Our lives are overflowing with activity. Preparing and planning for those activities, all of the to-do lists, dr visits, grocery lists, church activities, children’s sports, errands, etc. all occupy the limited real estate of our minds. We find it difficult to turn it all off - to stop thinking about all the stuff on our calendar.

But can I just tell ya something?  Here is the thing: WE are actually in charge of our thoughts AND our calendar. One of most effective weapons in Satan’s arsenal is to take advantage of every opportunity to attempt to persuade us we are too busy to relax, to pray, to read our Bible, or to worship God in gratitude for His Grace, Mercy, and blessings in our lives.

We may begin each day with the best of intentions but then the notifications and alerts on our phones take over.

We need to purpose in our hearts and minds to pull back and look at our day and our lives from that 10K foot view. We absolutely CAN choose to be PRESENT in the moment and to experience what is really happening right now. We CAN choose to live each moment of each day as if it is our last day on this earth.

CHALLENGE: How about we work to slow down and acknowledge the wonder of every individual day? This life is temporary. Christian, this not your home. How about we set our eyes on the hope of our permanent home in eternity with our Creator and take time today to thank God for the many blessings in our lives?

What it will take for us to meet this challenge is quite evident: it will require more of God in our lives and less of ourselves. #MásDeTi

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring — what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. James‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭CSB‬‬

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